Movies, Film and Theatre
The Creative Economy is alive and well in NH and film and theater are a large part of it. In Wilton, see independent films in the Old Town Hall for a few bucks or drive down the road a few miles to catch a double feature at the Milford Drive-In. NH has many classic venues for theatre as well – from the Colonial Theatre in Keene and the Palace Theatre in Manchester to the New London Barnyard Playhouse. This section helps connect you with a movie or play in your area or beyond.
Movie theaters are all over the state; you are sure to find at least one near you. Use one of the search engines below to find a theater, get movie times and read reviews. Or, take a look at some of the other movie venue options for something a little different.
Find a Movie
Directories.com - NH Cinema
Cinema Treasures - information about classic movie theaters
Movie Reviews from Hippo Press
NH Film and Television Office -promotes media production in NH.
The Colonial Theatre in Bethlehem is one of the oldest continuously operated movie theatres in the country. They present nationally acclaimed world-class artists, independent and foreign cinema, quality family entertainment, and community events from May to November. They are also on The New Hampshire list of historic places. "Presenting Fine Films, World-Class Music, Quality Family Entertainment."
Film Festivals
The NH Film Festival is a four-day film festival held each fall in Portsmouth that presents the best in recent independent cinema from throughout the United States and around the world to New Hampshire and New England audiences.
The New Hampshire High School Short Film Festival was created in 2007 by the New Hampshire Film and Television Office for giving high school filmmakers around the state the opportunity to create and showcase short films on the big screen in a statewide competition.
Somewhat North Of Boston Film Festival (S.N.O.B.) is held in Concord.
For an ongoing listing of film festivals, check out this statewide listing
NH Theater Happenings - lists community and professional theaters.
NH Theater Project is a non-profit organization that brings classical and contemporary drama to Portsmouth.
NH Community Theater Association lists all community theater organizations in NH.
NH Theatre Awards recognize achievements and exceptional talent in locally produced theatre. This site also lists professional and community theater organizations and theater venues.
NH Professional Theater Association is a resource for both the theatre community and the theater-going public with information on events, jobs, theatre news, and professional theatre productions, as well as lodging, dining, and other attractions near each Member theatre.
College Theater
Colleges can be an inexpensive way to enjoy high-quality theater. Be sure to also take a look at any local community colleges near you. Here are links to the University System of NH college theater programs: