Hiking, Running & Walking Trails in NH
NH is home to many spectacular trails covering over 4,000 miles, many leading to amazing vistas. From easy walks to challenging hikes, including one of the final legs of the Appalachian Trail (if you are a south to north hiker), NH trails attract people from all over the country. There are quite a few informational links below – a few of them contain factual information about various hikes and others are sites that are maintained by one or two people who have hiked a great deal in NH. These sites frequently contain a perspective or insight that one doesn’t get from the facts about a trail.
Appalachian Mountain Club NH is the official site for trips, trails, activities, and volunteering based around the Appalachian Trail in NH.
Trails.com is an excellent site for suggestions and information but to get details, you have to purchase a subscription.
The NH State Parks website includes many resources including maps, hiking safety tips, hiking with pets, and other resources.
Hike NH is managed by two hikers and offers some great information on picking hikes. It references the White Mountain Guide for actual trail details.
Hike the Whites presents one person’s very good perspective on hiking and enjoying the White Mountains.
Slack Packers takes another perspective on picking trails with very good information.
NH Fish and Game website provides links to hiking safety recommendations.
Upper Valley Running Club - For all types of runners in the Upper Valley of New Hampshire: Hanover, Lebanon, and the surrounding area.
Geocaching in New Hampshire - Are you a techie that likes to hike and explore? Combine these two activities and tap into local resources about geocaching, hiding and finding a cache, GPS reviews, and more.
Mt. Monadnock is said to be the second most frequently climbed mountain in the world, after Japan's Mt. Fuji.
Hiking in the Monadnock Region provides hikes for all abilities through the Monadnock Region.
Outdoor Activities in the Monadnock Region has information about all sorts of outdoor activities and where to find them in the Monadnock Region.
New Hampshire Hiking provides another perspective on hiking in NH.