Aimed at helping to inform Stay Work Play’s nonpartisan, issued-based legislative advocacy efforts, the Policy & Pints Pop-Up series brings together young people, aged 21-40, in the various regions of the state to discuss the issues most impacting their decisions to stay in, or leave, New Hampshire as a whole, as well as the specific regions in which they live and work.
In addition to discussing the challenges, these discussions will also focus on potential policy solutions for which the organization might advocate in Concord.
Click below for results from each region’s 2023-2024 event. An overview of the statewide results can be found in this op-ed published in New Hampshire Union Leader/Sunday News.
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2019-2020 Policy & Pints Series Results
Results for the inaugural Policy & Pints Pop-Up Series held in 2019-2020 can be found below. Click on each region’s results graphic to access a full page PDF. Photos from the 2019-2020 Policy & Pints Pop-Up series can be found here.