Advancing your professional skills and knowledge is always key to moving up professionally, finding a better job or making more money. Today, there are more ways than ever before to do this – directly or virtually.We encourage you to explore the accredited undergraduate and graduate schools and colleges in NH. In addition to the professional training programs and leadership training programs as well.When considering advancing your education, check with your employer to see if they offer any tuition reimbursement. Many do. Also, if you are the first in your family to attend college or have significant financial needs, there may be grant opportunities that will help cover your educational costs. Programs like ApprenticeshipNH help to connect education and job training through RegisteredApprenticeship programs, which allow career-seekers to learn professional and technical skills while being employed by a NH company. Apprenticeship programs are available in a number of fast-growing industries in NH, including: healthcare, IT, and manufacturing, and can help you build your skills and experience without taking on student loan debt to pay for your career advancement.If you have earned or are working on an associate’s degree at one of New Hampshire’s community colleges, check out NH Transfer to learn what courses transfer directly to other four year colleges and universities in the state.