We are working to attract and retain more young people to New Hampshire. Your contribution helps us continue to promote opportunities and provide resources to young people looking to stay in or relocate to the Granite State.100% of your donation goes to supporting the operating costs of our organization.
Individual donations accepted through:
FIND US: Stay Work Play Nh
FIND US: @StayWorkPlayNH
Other ways to support Stay Work Play's mission:
Become a corporate supporter! Provide strategic direction regarding recruitment, retention, and current trends in employer needs by joining our Board of Advisors.
Serve on the Advocacy Committee as a volunteer.
Become a part of our amazing volunteer blogger family!
Volunteer at an event (including the Rising Stars Awards and NH Scholars Day)!
MYTH: We are funded by the State of New Hampshire. FACT: We DO NOT receive state or federal money to support our mission.FACT: We ARE funded by contributions from businesses, organizations, and individuals, proceeds from our programming, grants, and sponsorships.