SWP in 3

Housing affordability. Student debt. Jobs. Child care. Nightlife and entertainment. Cultural diversity. Loneliness. Stay Work Play data show that New Hampshire has no shortage of challenges when it comes to the attraction and retention of young people.


But what are we doing about it?


Stay Work Play’s new, impact-driven strategic plan (2019 – 2021) has as its foundation the results of our December 2017 survey on the factors that young people take into consideration when making the decision to stay in, or leave, New Hampshire. Also informing the plan are insights from members of the Stay Work Play Board of Advisors, the state’s young professionals networks, and other business and community partners.


In addition to learning about our new programs and initiatives, as well as how individuals and other organizations can work with Stay Work Play to attract and retain more young people, participants of the 45-minute webinar also had the opportunity to ask questions of Stay Work Play Executive Director Will Stewart. Interested in learning more? Find the webinar recording here