Frequently Asked Questions

  • Everything you need to know about the cost of living in New Hampshire can be found here, along with the quality of life. Get a big picture look at cost of living difference between New Hampshire and metropolitan areas throughout the country.

  • Finding a new place to live can be daunting, especially if you are new to an area. You’ll need to determine what you can spend, if you want to live alone or with roommates, and if an apartment, condo, or house is the best fit. Here are some resources that can help you decide what is best and advance your search

  • Buying a home or condo is a major undertaking that requires a lot of research and thought on what you can afford, what is most appropriate for you now and during the years you expect to remain in a particular location, what town or city you want to live in, and many, many other personal factors. There are many resources for you in NH, here are some of our favorites.

  • Advancing your professional skills and knowledge is always key to moving up professionally, finding a better job or making more money. Today, there are more ways than ever before to do this and you can find everything you need to know here.

Insider’s Guides

The best way to explore a region is through a local. They can provide guidance and an insider’s perspective of what do to, where to go and who to meet – giving you the “inside scoop” to a region.

Whether you’re new to New Hampshire or looking to find your way around a new-to-you area of the state, we’ve developed “Insider’s Guides” to make finding your way around a bit easier – giving you a local’s perspective. Though we love New Hampshire, we certainly don’t know EVERYTHING about the cities and towns that make up our incredible state. So we enlisted the assistance of some “experts” – folks from the various young professionals networks from around New Hampshire – to get their insight as to what’s hot in their region.